Saturday, August 31, 2019

An Analysis of Michael Coogan’s Article “The Great Gulf Between Scholars and the Pew”

Michael Coogan’s article, â€Å"The Great Gulf Between Scholars and the Pew,† basically discussed and expounded in detail basically how people from different walks of life, particularly the scholars, and the lay members of the Church, understood and interpreted the Bible and its text. Basically, according to Coogan, the Bible, which has been long accepted as a symbol of perfect authority and absolute truth for it contains the word of God, is flawed in a lot of aspects due to its historical loopholes and inconsistencies. Based on Coogan’s writing, both past and modern scholars have used these inconsistencies and loopholes, which is a method called historical-critical method, to surmise that the Bible itself is not a book by a single author, but â€Å"many books by many authors† (Coogan, n. p. ) who also reflect their backgrounds and beliefs in their writings. However, as Coogan pointed out, this non-traditional understanding of the Bible, has very little effect on the way most people, whether religious or not, think of the book. This led to a situation that Coogan calls a canon within a canon, a set of laws within a set of laws or more specifically, a set of Holy Scriptures within a set of Holy Scriptures. In this case, most people, despite the widely accepted inconsistencies on the Bible, still accept and adhere to certain parts of its texts. In other words, what Coogan meant by a canon within a canon is that people select certain texts or scriptures within the Bible despite their errors and contradictions to actual historical findings and consider them as absolute truths which they base their beliefs on. More specifically, people such as lay members and pastors choose to believe these questionable texts and scriptures and use them to serve their personal interests. This, according to Coogan, is best shown in the way that politicians use quotes from the Bible as if they were truths, the way ministers preach the words of the Bible, and, most of all, the way students treat the Bible as an authoritative figure. Certain prominent inconsistencies in the Bible include the question of whether Canaan was invaded by Israel through a military assault or a gradual assimilation or what was the true color of the robe Jesus was wearing when he was being tortured before he died or whether he was born in Bethlehem or Nazareth, among many others.. In addition, there are also Christian believers who accept a certain gospel, such as Paul’s but reject the words of James and the Gospel of Matthew, which have been shown to contradict Paul’s writings, while, in effect, rejecting dozens of other biblical texts. The fact that there are inconsistencies between the writings of two of Jesus’ disciples and yet people choose to believe in one of them goes to show that the historical-critical method of understanding the Bible has been very influential. In short, despite these questions about important facts in the Bible, a lot of people still accept them as undeniable truths, which forms a canon within a canon Moreover, Coogan explained that the church tacitly accepts the use of a canon within a canon partly because it is their way of countering the results of the scholars’ historical-critical method of the Bible. The church made it appear to its followers that results of the scholars’ studies is a direct challenge to their authority because most of its teachings are derived from the Bible itself. In other words, if the Bible is full of inconsistencies and errors, then the Church’s Episcopal letters and pontifical documents, which they derive from the Bible as well, are also flawed and questionable. This is also why the church accepts the use of a canon within a canon as it corrects the perception of the Bible created by the scholars. They simply cannot allow an influential force that would question their authority as it would also taint their credibility and, in effect, their control over their members. Another reason behind the church’s tacit acceptance of a canon within a canon is that it does not trust people to correctly interpret and understand all that are written in the Bible. In other words, the church simply limited the exposure of people to the Bible because in truth, as Coogan stated in his article, there are certain texts and scriptures in the Bible that are subversive to the teachings of the church. According to Coogan, certain texts that are conspicuously limited by the church to most people include the portrayal of the violent yet â€Å"divine† extermination of the people of Canaan in the book of Joshua, the depiction of sexual assault in Judges chapters 11 and 19, the eroticism in the Song of Solomon, and most of all the text of the book of Job which more or less challenges the predominant perception of a fair and caring God. Meaning to say, the church firmly believes that if people are able to read the texts mentioned above, then there is a possibility that they may doubt the dogmatic views and teachings of the Bible which is embodied by the church itself. Furthermore, based on Coogan’s writing, in a way, biblical scholarship has also contributed to the use of a canon within a canon. According to him, for one, these biblical scholars, who have been committed to studying and deciphering the Bible for the past century or so, have failed to correctly translate what the original languages such as Greek and Hebrew of the book’s texts exactly mean. Most biblical scholars, avoid shocking people by making it appear that the Bible is an internally consistent book rather than a compilation of doctrines that are full of errors and inconsistencies. Moreover, Coogan also noted that recent biblical studies were done primarily for self-righteous reasons rather than educational purposes and as such, the use of a canon within a canon or a set of widely-accepted and used scriptures within a set of widely-accepted and used scriptures has become more established and unchallenged throughout the years.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Look at the questions

Queen Elizabeth of England was known as one of the most successful rulers of her time for a number of different reasons. She did many things right, but the most prevailing aspect of her reign was her foreign policy. She was something of a revolutionary leader during that time in a number of different ways. While other leaders were busy fighting big wars to protect themselves from danger, Queen Elizabeth found a way to keep her enemies at bay by pacifying them. She used power and influence to balance between the countries and the powers that would have otherwise been a problem during that time. Though the premise of her policy was to help England, it actually helped much of Europe as a result. For example, European powers like France and Germany were able to build their military power and their financial backing while not having to defend against a large armed force in England. Without having to look too far, one can find some of Elizabeth’s policies being utilized in the world today. In some ways, they are being used in many of the same ways that Elizabeth used her policies back in England. There are some very good examples, including the situation that is currently happening in Ukraine. Ukraine is a country that was involved with the Soviet Union for a long time, so they have struggled in the period shortly following that. The adjustment has been difficult, because the country still holds onto its Russian roots, but it is being pulled towards the Western world. Being in such proximity to both Russia and Europe, Ukraine has to fact tough questions about the direction of their country. China is a country that is always in balance between various powers, as well. On one side of them, there is Japan, who holds much of the world’s power in the financial district. One the other hand, they have to balance between the socialist nations that surround them in the South Pacific. In order to make sure that they keep a good reputation around the world, China has had to keep pacify the Western world. They are a large producer of goods, so in order to stay viable, they have to keep the important trade relationships that have been developed up to this point. On the other hand, the socialist nature of their government makes it difficult for them to relate with countries like the United States and many of the nations in Europe. In the sixteenth century, England found itself in an interesting position. In many ways, the world was changing during that time. Today, it is still a changing world, so countries still have to account for these changes. Instead of having to simply care for today, countries like China and Ukraine have to take into account what might happen tomorrow. This is why it is difficult for these countries to have an economic and military strategy that pleases everyone. Queen Elizabeth was able to balance the interests of her country and many different countries, so that they could become a power in the changing world. If England did not have such a balanced policy, then there is no way they could have charged into the new age in such that they would maintain their power into this current time.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Carl Gustav Jung Essay Example for Free (#2)

Carl Gustav Jung Essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA Carl Gustav Jung, (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961), was a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, and the founder of analytical psychology. His work and influence extends way beyond understanding personality, and he is considered to be one of the greatest thinkers to have theorised about life and how people relate to it. However, for the purpose of this assignment I will concentrate on Jung’s theory of Psychological Types. In this essay I aim to demonstrate an understanding of Jung’s personality types by describing and evaluating his theory and to show how they might useful in helping a therapist to determine therapeutic goals. Jung (1990, p.531) states that’ from earliest times, attempts have been made to classify individuals according to types, and so bring order to the chaos. The oldest attempts known to us were made by oriental astrologers who devised the so-called trigons of the four elements – air, water, earth, and fire. The air trigon in the horoscope consists of the three aerial signs of the zodiac, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra; the fire trigon is made up of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. According to this age old view, whoever is born in these trigons shares in their aerial or fiery nature and will have a corresponding temperament and fate.‘ In the same paragraph, Jung states that ‘the astrological type theory, to the astonishment of the enlightened, still remains intact today,’ which is true. Closely connected with the astrological type theory is the division into the four temperaments which corresponds to the four humors (Jung, 1990, p.531). A Greek physician, Claudius Galen (AD130 – 200), distinguished four basic temperaments: the sanguine, the phlegmatic, the choleric, and the melancholic. Galen’s theory goes back to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates’ (460 – 370BC), who described physical illness as being caused by the balance of bodily fluids, or humors as he labelled them’ (Maltby, et al, 2007, p.159). These bodily fluids are blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm. Galen expanded on Hippocrates’ theory and applied it to describe human personality, stating that when the humors were in balance, an equitable temperament was the result, however, if the humors were out of balance, then physical illness and mental disturbance occurred (Maltby et al, 2007, p.160). However, ‘by the time of the Middle Ages, scholars dismissed the idea that bodily fluids were directly implicated in personality traits. But the behavioural descriptions associated with the four humours lived on’ (McAdams, 2000, p.256). Galen’s four temperaments provided much inspiration and historical reference for Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types. According to Jung’s theory we are all different in fundamental ways and each psychological type has a different idea of what it means to achieve personal success. However, states that, ‘so many people are hung up on somebody else’s idea of what it means to be successful, that they are unaware of what is truly important to them‘. I agree, because for many years, I wanted to be somebody else as that person’s life seemed so much better than mine, or so I thought at the time. Jung was one of the few psychologists in the twentieth century to maintain that development extends beyond childhood and adolescence through mid-life and into old age (Stevens, 2001, p.38). Jung insisted that ‘we never finish the process of self-examination and growth that charts our journey towards individuation.’ (Snowdon, 2010, p.86). In my case, I believe I am on that journey of accepting myself as I truly am, becoming my true ‘self‘. Stevens (2001, p.38) claims that ‘it could be brought to the highest fruition if one worked with and confronted the unconscious,’ and for me, it is and has been important to face the ‘monsters that lurk’ (Snowdon, 2010, p.86) in my unconscious, even when it has been uncomfortable to do so. According to Jung, like Freud, there are three levels of consciousness in the psyche (mind);- conscious, personal unconscious and collective unconscious. Snowdon (2010, p.56) states that ‘the individual psyche is always changing as it seeks growth and wholeness.’ Jung referred to the ego when describing the more conscious aspect of the personality, the part of the psyche that selects perceptions, thoughts, feelings and memories that may enter our conscious awareness. Stevens (2002, p. 62) states that ‘the ego is then centre of consciousness and is responsible for our continuing sense of identity.’ The personal unconscious comprises of ‘all the acquisitions of personal life, everything forgotten, repressed, subliminally perceived, thought, felt’ (Jung, 1990, p.485). This is an aspect of the unconscious that Freud also emphasized and these forgotten experiences are accessible to consciousness, and for both Freud and Jung, ‘the exploration of the unconscious is the key to personal insight’ (McAdams, 2000, p. 135). Conscious attitudes within the psyche should always be balanced by unconscious attitudes, and Snowdon (2010, p.56) claims that ‘if a conscious attitude grows too strong then the unconscious will always seek to restore equilibrium,’ by means of dreams, fantasies, slips of the tongue and so on. However, if the unconscious message is ignored, then ‘neurosis or even disease may result’ (Stevens, 2010, p.57). Where the personal unconscious is unique for each individual the collective unconscious is not an ‘individual acquisition but rather the functioning of the inherited brain structure, which in its broad outlines is the same in all human beings (Jung, 1954, p.117). Therefore, the collective unconscious represents the shared experiences, emotions and memories we have inherited from previous generations. Jung believed that we were born with a built-in human developmental programme, which is buried deep within the collective unconscious (Snowdon, 2010, p. 80). According to Jung, the personal unconscious contains various complexes, while the collective unconscious contains archetypes (see Fig 1) ‘Complexes are related groups of emotionally charged ideas, thoughts and images’ (Snowdon, 2010, p.61), and can exert a strong influence on the thoughts and behaviour of a person. Some complexes may be beneficial and others may be potentially harmful, and Jung (1990, p.529) states that ‘complexes do not necessarily indicate inferiority. It only means that something discordant, unassimilated, antagonistic exists, perhaps as an obstacle, but also as an incentive to greater effort, and so, perhaps to new possibilities of achievement.’ Therefore, a therapist may use this knowledge to bring to the forefront of the client’s consciousness, a situation which they may be finding difficult to overcome. Complexes can be related to a particular archetype, Stevens (2001, p.48) states that ‘complexes are personifications of archetypes; they are the means through which archetypes manifest themselves in the personal psyche.’ An archetype is a universal thought form or predisposition to respond to the world in certain ways (Jung, 1936), and Jung believed they appeared to us in dreams, myths, religions, art and symptoms. Engler (1991, p.86) claimed that ‘it is helpful for us to get in touch with them because they represent the latent potentially of the psyche.’ The widely recognised archetypes are the persona, the shadow, the anima and the animus, and the self. The persona archetype is the mask that a person wears to hide their true nature from society. The shadow is an unconscious part of the personality that contains weaknesses and other aspects of personality that a person cannot admit to having’ (Snowdon, 2010, p.68). The anima is the unconscious feminine aspect of a man’s personality, and the animus is the masculine aspect of a woman’s personality. The self is the central archetype and true midpoint of the personality (Engler, 1991, p.89). A criticism of Jung’s theory was his lack of empirical research, in which his theory has been attacked as being â€Å"non-falsifiable and unscientific† (Hergenhahn, 1994, p.93). Jung based his psychology on explorations of his own inner world, as well as his work with people ranging from ‘normal’ to those with neurotic problems and even those suffering from psychosis (Snowdon, 2010, p.XXVI). Eysenck (Engler, 2009, p.316) believed that from the point of view of science, Jung’s contribution to the study of personality types was primarily negative as he permitted mystical notions to override empirical data. However, Jung was unconcerned claiming that he ‘cannot experience himself as a scientific problem. Myth is more individual and expresses life more precisely that does science (Stevens, 2001, p.156).’ Jung’s description of personality states that in order to identify a psychological type, it is necessary to determine whether a person’s psychic energy (libido) is turned inwards towards the subject (introversion), or outwards towards the object (extroversion). Introverts are people who prefer their own inner world of thoughts and feelings, whilst extroverts prefer the external world towards external relationships and objects. According to Jung (1990, p.415) ‘the presence of two attitudes is extremely frequent,’ although one is generally dominant and conscious and the other is subordinate and unconscious. However, McAdams (2000, p.310) claims that ‘Eysenck, a British psychologist of German origin, rejected the idea that conscious extroversion is connected to unconscious introversion, and vice versa.’ Unlike Jung, Eysenck linked extroversion and introversion to differences in brain activity, however this theory is speculative and Eysenck acknowledged that his hypotheses ‘must stand and fall by empirical confirmation’ (Eysenck, 1965). Introvert and extrovert dimensions are now found in several theories, one of those being Hans Eysenck’s theory of personality. Although Eysenck expressed considerable disdain for Jung’s approach to psychological types, some of his ideas were rather similar, for example, ’both defined the concepts by making reference to the direction of a person’s approach to life’ (McAdams, 2000, p.309). However, in other ways Eysenck’s concepts were quite difference, for example, whilst Jung believed that a person can be classified as either extroverted or introverted, he believed that most people fall somewhere between the two attitudes, ‘combining qualities of both the extroverted and introverted poles’ (McAdams, p. 310). Like Jung, Eysenck examined historical approaches to personality as well as conducting various methods of research, to uncover the underlying structure of personality. Eysenck suggested that the basic dimensions of personality may be summarised in the diagram below (see Fig 2), which show the two main dimensions of extroversion-introversion and stable-unstable, with the traits associated with each personality type. The diagram also shows how the four temperaments are related to these types. Carl Gustav Jung. (2017, Feb 05).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Undertake a review of the current literature to identify the key

Undertake a of the current to identify the key determinants of capital structure since the global financial crisis - Literature review Example Undertake a review of the current literature to identify the key determinants of capital structure since the global financial crisis It is duly considered to be an important aspect and every organisation is required to consider it in order to make sure that the operations are conducted in an efficient manner. Moreover, Miller (2003) signified that capital structure impose direct impact in the mission and also in the operations of an organisation. A proper assessment and maintenance of capital will eventually facilitate in managing the financial operations of an organisation effectively (Miller, 2003). With this concern, this paper intends to discuss about identifying the major determinants of the capital structure impacting business organisations since the worldwide financial crisis. Literature Review Capital Structure is an Important Facilitator for Financial Decisions According to Baker & Wurgler (2002), capital structure plays a decisive role in making effective financial decisions. The authors affirmed that management of business organisations utilise capital structure in making better exploitation of accessib le financial recourses. It also assists in having a proper assessment and estimating their shares in the business markets. Additionally, the management with the assistance of capital structure is capable to determine the quantity of leverage that it possesses in the marketplace and also in comparison with other organisations. (Mahmud & et. al., 2009; Baker & Wurgler, 2002). Baker & Martin (2011) noted that capital structure is an important instrument of making effective decisions in relation to various significant aspects that include dividend decisions, management decision making along with financial decisions among others. According to Baker & Martin (2011), three important theories of capital structure encompass the ‘market timing theory’, the ‘trade-off theory’ and the ‘pecking order theory’. In this regard, the ‘trade-off theory’ is a model on the basis of which tax benefits and liabilities are calculated to maintain a stable balance of financial considerations of business organisations. The ‘pecking order theory’ provides important and valuable information, aiding in identifying problems, so that the management of organisations can adopt appropriate measures to mitigate such problems. The ‘market timing theory’ is a model, which assists management of business organisations in ascertaining the appropriate time of issuing shares in the market. In this regard, Baker & Martin (2011) have also implied that management of business organisations with the assistance of these theories will be facilitated with the opportunity of making effective investment decisions and attaining superior competitive position (Baker & Martin, 2011; Laugi & Sorin, 2009). Determinants of Capital Structure since the Global Financial Crisis According to Bauer (2004), the capital structure of business organisations mainly comprise various vital factors such as size, tangibility, profitability, industry classif ication, tax and growth opportunity among others. It can be affirmed that these vital factors associated with the notion of capital structure impose considerable impact upon the financial transactions along with the operations of an organisation in an immerse manner. Additionally, the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mark Rothko - Artist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mark Rothko - Artist - Research Paper Example The paper "Mark Rothko - Artist" focuses on Mark Rothko. The young Marcus’ life was out of the question. Travel towards the man of the arts from a childhood filled with religious and political ideals started when the Rothkowitz moved to the U.S. evading the pressing political situation in Russia. Leaving Yale was the onset of Marcus’ art career particularly when he saw a sketch session during a visit at the Art Students League wherein later on he enrolled on one of the art classes. His early artworks were greatly influenced by Max Weber, a mentor at the Art Students League and a Russian immigrant like Marcus. Marcus’ early works are figurative bordering mostly on the Expressionist style of painting. His works before shifting to abstract expressionism always vary and as seen in his paintings such as the untitled painting of three nude women painted in between 1933 and 1934, his work depicting children at the doorstep in Street Scene done in 1937 and a self-portrai t done in 1936 only shows that just like any artist, Marcus was searching for a specific art style to appropriate for his ideas. Among his attempts to make his presence felt in the art scene is the small show at the Museum of Art in Portland in 1933 displaying some of his paintings and works on paper and his first one man show in 1947 at the with his first one man show at the Parsons Gallery. Symbolism in the artist’s works paved way to an art style that freed not only the artist from the confines of the existing art styles during his era. but released him from the restraints of his religious and political upbringing. Changing his name from Marcus Rothkowitz to Mark Rothko symbolized the birth of an artist liberated from the constraints of his past and the dominating art styles at that period. Rothko in the 1940s had shifted into an art style called Multiform which is â€Å"a synthesis of mutilated figures, myths and symbols painted in hazy and luminous colors.† (Bresl in 232). The artist’s Multiform period served as his transition period towards a more individualistic and unfettering style for Rothko. Examples of his work during this period are The Omen of the Eagle done in 1942, Sacrifice of Iphigenia also painted in 1942 and Gethsemane which was done in 1944; all of which were filled with symbols, inspired by myths and teachings of Judaism. In these paintings, Rothko obviously endeavors to create a more personal art form by featuring familiar subjects that the artist had lived with throughout his life. From artworks bombarded with symbols and myths, Rothko arrives at a point that even he was worn-out of incorporating them on his paintings. He started eliminating concrete figures in his painting, one of his paintings that demonstrated the figureless style was Number 7 painted between 1947 and 1948. Along with eliminating concrete figures from his artworks was Rothko’s discarding of using prolix titles and used numbers instead or de liberately leaving the

Monday, August 26, 2019

My College Experience as a Freshman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My College Experience as a Freshman - Essay Example I moved out of my parent’s house in the process, thus I did get a change to enjoy the independence that college life brings to freshman student. My first year of college helped mature as an adult. For the first time in my life I was taking care of my personal needs and had the freedom to choose what my life would be without the interference of others. It was a difficult time; it was bit exhausting working and studying at the same time. My academic performance was not the best, but I learned a lot in the process. I know what it takes to succeed in a university and I realize that if I am able to dedicate more time to my education I will perform a lot better the second time around. My immediate goal is to enroll once again in an accredited university in order to continue my educational journey towards obtaining a college degree that will prepare me for my professional

Reading Standard for Foundational SKills Assignment

Reading Standard for Foundational SKills - Assignment Example However, for the younger students such as the one in pre-kindergarten, the list of objectives should be way smaller with only one or two items to be assessed by the teachers as they are still very young will smaller ability to understand and shorter memory span. The above mentioned tools in the checklist cannot be appropriate for assessment of children from birth to pre-kindergarten as they are very young and cannot understand what is being tested. However it is appropriate for those from kindergarten to grade 3 as they also hold similar learning objectives as the ones discussed above in the check list. For the children between births to pre-kindergarten, they should have their own set of simpler and way shorter learning objectives which would lead to shorter assessment and check lists for the teachers to examine. This as explained above is because of their short memory span as well as ability to understand which is still developing. Most of the assessment tools for such children are just repetitive sounds and music among other simpler

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Reflection - Essay Example This has transformed into a language of the future and a valuable asset. Growing up, a child of Chinese background is expected to gain mastery of basic mathematical skills. This starts from the initiative of their parents and is strengthened as he goes to school. In multiplication, 45 easy to memorize phrases are taught to children (Rao, Chi, & Cheng, 2009). The Chinese have a highly developed language that extends to mathematics which makes it easier for children to gain knowledge of the subject. Unlike in other countries where children first have to learn English symbols and translate math concepts before they are able to comprehend arithmetic problems, they have their own counterpart to basic mathematical language that a child easily adapts it starting at their home. This subject, considered to be a problem area by many students, is something simple to the Chinese. This may actually also translate to why they are considered good businessmen. China has a longstanding history and cu lture that has allowed for the cultivation of its language into many forms in different regional variations. The structure of the Chinese language is very different than from that of English. The most obvious of these differences is the writing style between the two languages.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Preschool Literature Program Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Preschool Literature Program - Research Paper Example My effort in this regard would be to introduce literature-based instructional program to promote a combination of learning techniques including behavioural, cognitive and constructivist approaches. Selecting literature titles Developing literature-based instruction primarily involves selecting age appropriate literature material for children (Assessing Children’s Literature, 2003). When selecting a title it is important to consider how far children of that particular age group could connect to it. The title needs to make sense to them so that they can understand its meaning. It has to be kept short and simple and tell about the main subject of the story. As children of this age are not aware of abstract concepts, it is wise to have titles that describe concrete objects that children see around them, love to have and that would appeal to their imagination. A teacher could select a title depending on what she/he wants to teach them. So that children start learning values of life through literature and start associating with them from an early age. In this respect it has to be seen that the titles do not harp at any stereotypical ideas, prejudices and biases (Assessing Children’s Literature, 2003) as the main purpose of having literature-based learning is to inculcate liberal values in children. Selection of media When it comes to literature-based instruction for preschool children it is best to opt for an interactive media. Interactive media in this case would mean instructor-led teaching mode. For so small children the teacher would be the best medium for facilitating learning. The teacher or the instructor plays the pivotal role in building up an interactive learning environment either through reading storybooks or providing with audio-visual treat of a story. So whatever media she/he chooses, it is her/his interpretation of the text that the children will eventually pick up. Vygotsky (1985) claims that reading aloud makes way for an interactive p rocess between the adult and the child that helps the child comprehend the meaning of the text. Therefore the teacher has to ensure proper interaction in the class whether it is reading storybooks or audio-visual story-telling. Developmental goals in introducing literature based instruction Language development For preschool children the first step of learning is language learning. Language is best learnt in a given context. Literature provides the context for learning language. When the teacher reads out a story in a class and enacts it too where necessary, the children are introduced to a sea of new words used in a particular context. They not only learn a new word but its specific usage too. Had the word been taught independently, its significance would have been lost on the child. In this way the child’s vocabulary increases and also his ability to comprehend meaning in a given situation (Clay, 1976). Intellectual development Literature helps in developing critical thinki ng and heuristic skill. After reading out a poem or a story, or showing them a visual representation, the teacher should ask open questions about what the children saw or heard and through probing questions encourages the child to think about other alternatives. The teacher’s focus is to develop the child’s intellectual capacity. Personality development The process of interaction involves in forming and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Lehman Brothers Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lehman Brothers - Case Study Example The transaction helps the borrower to receive cash to which security instruments are transferred to the lender. Subsequently, the securities are returned with an excessive interest of around 2 percent. This excess amount is termed as â€Å"haircut†. The accounting system made credits a Payable Account on borrowing cash and debits the same on its repayment. However, the balance sheet entry maintained the securities as assets even on being transferred to their owners. Lehman Brothers increased the levels of â€Å"haircuts† or repo rates to 5 percent and 8 percent on Fixed Income and Equity securities respectively. Transactions of these natures were accounted for by Lehman as â€Å"sales of securities† and the cash received was also not treated as liability. Thus, it showed an inflated financial and asset position of the firm (Dutta, Kaplan & Lawson, 25; Clark). There is a continual set of the relation between the systems of accounting methods practiced in companies and ethical contexts. Ethical procedure in accounting demands the preparation of true financial statements and balance sheets to reflect the true financial position of the company. The company needs to conduct the accounting operations based on the moral code of conducts and must not deviate from it. An ethical accounting system evokes an interest of the investors and other stakeholders of the firm and thus helps in creating loyalty (Karthik). The accountant has diversified roles in the management of frauds. Modern-day accounting practices demand the increasing roles of an accountant as an auditor in the financial firm. The accountants are getting trained on conducting professional audits so as to track the fraudulent practices quite easily. Moreover, the modern accountants also function through consulting bodies to track fraudulent tax practices.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Student Management System Essay Example for Free

Student Management System Essay The student management suite from Applane allows you to automate the processes around student needs from admission to their transportation while ensuring seamless communication between the school, students and their parents. It has been developed keeping in mind the need to bring in efficiency in student management while providing a sense of security and safety in the minds of students and their parents or guardians. The key modules in the Applane Student Management suite include: Student Information System. Applane provides a completely integrated Student Information System that maintains a comprehensive profile of the student which acts as the core of Student Management. This enables all supporting student management processes to connect seamlessly with each other. Using this fully automated, on-cloud solution †¢Maintain a detailed student profile along with information such parents/guardians profile, sibling details, personal ID details such as passport and visa details, etc. †¢Categorize and manage all student documents submitted in scanned form using a pre-populated mandatory check-list. †¢Input detailed course and subject information for every student that acts as a base or core for the Education Delivery suite. †¢Request section change through the system with an in-built approval workflow . †¢Request and append personal information such as address change and contact number with ease and maintain in a central database for all future communication. †¢Students parents can login at school website to view profile and place request for change in contact details and section change. Student Admissions For a school, student admissions is the most important process at the start of an academic session and one that requires a very efficient and seamless operation. Applane brings in the much needed clarity and reliability to the process while helping in conducting it in a fast and fair manner. Using Applane, †¢Parents and students can submit Online/Offline admission enquiries and get a response instantly. †¢The School can open admissions to various courses and send invitations in an automated way. †¢School can sell application forms online. †¢School can manage the admission applications by filtering and categorizing them as per their scoring criteria. †¢School can announce and confirm the admissions online on the school website. †¢School can also auto-email to successful applicants. †¢As an additional function, student promotions and Re-registration can also be done seamlessly on the Applane system. Student Transportation A key part of student management requires providing safe and timely transportation to students from their boarding station to the school and back. Applane provides a fully automated system for managing this crucial requirement for schools where they have to manage the routes of hundreds of students travelling on their school buses daily. Applane allows †¢Students or their parents to request availing/withdrawing/change of transport facility online. †¢Schools to create and plan routes, assigning bus stops. †¢Schools to manage vehicles with maintenance schedule and papers schedule. †¢School to send auto reminders/email to the transport in-charge for maintenance and taxation/insurance dues. †¢Schools to monitoring vehicle movement to ensure complete safety of students. †¢Schools to maintain a fuel log book to ensure that there is no over invoicing by the drivers. †¢Schools to generate reports including route report, vehicle report, maintenance schedules, fuel log-book, etc. †¢Schools to send SMS to the student of a route/all routes for bus delays/changed timings, etc. Information Flow Communication A seamless and timely information flow between the school, students and their parents/guardians is not only an important function to keep everyone updated on various school matters but also a critical function to ensure safety and compliance of the students as per school rules and regulations. Using Applane, the school can communicate with students and their parents using auto generated Email and SMS facility on various matters such as †¢Attendance of the student. †¢Fee reminders. †¢Notices/circulars regarding Parent Teacher meetings, events, holidays, etc. †¢Examination results of the student. †¢Transport delay/change. †¢Library overdue books. †¢Confirmation of requests regarding address change, section change, etc. †¢Festival greetings

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The French and Indian War Essay Example for Free

The French and Indian War Essay Prior to 1754 French Indian War, the 13 North American colonies that would eventually become the United States of America were at a rate of rapid increase. Colonial trade with England has increased by over 360%, all colonies were reproducing successfully, with a rate of natural increase of 3%, and the population doubling every 25 years, and on top of that, colonial power increased with the idea of Salutary Neglect, and colonial assemblies. The French Indian War had cause a multitude of changes and shifts in America, on political, economical, and ideological levels alike. For a start, the French and Indian War altered the political aspects of the 13 colonies. Prior to the French Indian War, due to the idea that it was beneficial or healthy for the 13 colonies if they had some sense of freedom, independence and self-governance, this was dubbed Salutary Neglect. The main form of political governance in the colonies was the colonial assemblies. These assemblies were responsible for governing their respective colonies through city courts. These courts would make decisions that pertained to each of the colonies, like appointing members to the unicameral and bicameral assemblies. Building on this knowledge, after the war ended in 1763, with the Treaty of Paris 1763, one of the main consequences was the end of Salutary Neglect. Most colonial assemblies were shut down as a result of this, giving the colonial Royal governors more power than they previously had. Another consequence of the Treaty of Paris 1763 was the French losing every last bit of their land in North America (Doc. A). The French originally fought in the French Indian War for control of the Ohio River Valley, which was an important area for trade and growth. Progressing away from the political aspects that were altered by the French Indian War, the economical aspects were also altered ultimately. Before the beginning of the French Indian War, Britain didn’t have any major taxes imposed onto the colonies. That was before the war. After the French Indian War was fought, and the Treaty of Paris 1763 signed, the Stamp Act was imposed in 1765 by George III to help pay for the deficit created by the French Indian War, as well as King George’s War (1739-1748). This act was passed as a result of Britain needing more revenue, as for the revenue coming from the colonies prior to this act was â€Å"not yet sufficient to defray a fourth part of the expense necessary for collecting it.†(Doc. F). The Stamp Act, mind you, wasn’t a tax on stamps, but rather a tax on printed documents, such as  newspapers, journals, deeds, letters, et cetera. The Stamp Act required all printed documents to be stamped with a special imprint, which certified the document. Failure to do so would most likely result in a fine, or confiscation of the merchandise, which is why it fac ed so much opposition from the colonists, even though it only affected a certain few. Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter, addressed to John Hughes in Pennsylvania, suggesting the repealing of the Stamp Act (Doc. G). If he refused to repeal the Stamp Act, Franklin warned him that it would make him very unpopular among the colonists, and refuted that he should try to reconcile the colonists after the war, instead of taxing them. Benjamin Franklin truly feared violent opposition to the Stamp Act. This eventually led to the Stamp Act crisis, which resulted in Liberty Trees being planted. At these liberty trees, officials sent to collect taxes in more severe cases were tarred and feathered as a form of public humiliation. The Virginia Resolves were also passed as a result of the Stamp Acts, which claimed it as unconstitutional, and they could not be taxed without representation in Parliament. This type of violent opposition led to the repealing of the Stamp Act in 1766, and the passing of the Declatory Act in 1766 which gave Britain the right to make laws for the colonies. This concept is called parliamentary sovereignty, and went against the right of consent of the governed, and the colonist’s natural rights of life, liberty, and property, or alternatively, the pursuit of happiness. The British also assumed the colonists Virtual Representation. This is the idea that the colonies were represented in Parliament indirectly. Also, before the French Indian War ended with the Treaty of Paris 1763, which resulted in the Proclamation Line of 1763, which ran from the West of the Appalachian Mountains to England, Native Americans were getting defensive about their land, and warned the colonists to remove themselves from their area, as for they had no right to settle (Doc. B). The Chief of the Iroquois Confederacy, Canassatego, told the representative bodies in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia that basically, their motives are transparent, and the Native Americans knew the value of their land and instructed the representatives to promptly remove thei r men from their land (even though it wasn’t rightfully theirs) because they had no right to settle, and they felt greatly disrespected. After the war ended with the Treaty of Paris of 1763, the Proclamation Line was drawn to prevent all  British colonists from settling West of the Appalachian Mountains to prevent all future tensions with the Native Americans, even though proceeding the war, a large deal of their land was already lost. The war ultimately created economic stress in the colonies, because it resulted in more taxes (Doc. F), and isolated trade with the Native Americans, as for we usually traded fur pelts with them. This also could’ve foreshadowed their refusal to join the colonists in an alliance during the Albany Plan of 1754, as well the problem of westward expansion with Chief Pontiac’s Rebellion in 1763, which resulted in the senseless murder of thousands of British colonists. Adding on to other economic problems created by the war, the mercantile policies of the Navigation Acts were beginning to become heavily enforced again. England buckled down on the colonies to raise revenue (Doc. F.). This put a major halt on smuggling of goods to the 13 colonies. With the passing of the Writs of Assistance, the quartering British soldiers had a right to enter a colonist’s home at anytime and confiscate anything they suspected of being smuggled. Smuggled good were rarely found, but it enraged the colonists that the British had a right to do this on their land. To initiate the final point, are the altered ideological aspects that were altered as a result of the French Indian War. Preceding the French and Indian War, some of the colonists were sycophant to Britain. During the war, in 1755, George Washington wrote a letter to Robert Orne, wishing to join the militia. He was eager to serve under General Braddock, who would soon bring on the humiliating defeat during the failed capture of Fort Duquesne (Doc. C). George Washington’s loyalty and respect for Britain would soon change, like many other colonists ideological values about their â€Å"mother country.† Sources like the Massachusetts soldier’s diary dated 1759 proved British to be neglectful of their soldiers. The people who were once eager to serve under Britain now wanted out. The British Parliament refused to supply proper winter clothes, and liquor. To him, this is being denied â€Å"Englishmen’s Liberty.† The soldiers were not allowed to leave, so they may as well have been slaves at that point. (Doc. D). That’s just one ideological value changed as a result of the French Indian War. As I said before, many colonists thought highly of Britain as a mother country, with over 60,000 loyalists living the colonies, until the French Indian War. Rev. Thomas Banard’s sermon in 1763 praised Britain in an usually optimistic  way. He assumed the end of the war meant the colonist’s could be free and happy. No animosity could be sensed towards Britain. (Doc. E.) That was until the British decided to tax the colonists to increase revenue. (Doc. F. ). That resulted in the Stamp Act, which as you know, was every controversial and lead to violent oppositions, riots, and acts like the Virginia Resolves. Benjamin Franklin warned Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act before any of this opposition took place (Doc. G). In October 1765, on a new paper masthead was a very iconic image. There was a skull and crossbones stating â€Å"The TIMES are Dreadful, Doleful, Dismal, Dolorous, and DOLLAR-LESS.† It also read â€Å"Adieu Adieu to LIBERTY† which can be translated to â€Å"Goodbye to Liberty.† (Doc. H). Mind you, these are the same colonies that kissed up to Britain before the war. Acts in the same nature of the Stamp Act faced opposition of this sort. This substantiates the evident shifting and altering of ideological values that resulted from the French Indian war. In final analysis of this essay, one may think that the French and Indian war heavily altered the relationship between Britain and the American colonies. They’re right. The French Indian changed the relationship on a economical, political, and an ideological basis. The politics were changed during the disbanding of the colonial assemblies, doing away with of Salutary Neglect and the French losing all their territory as a result of the Treaty of Paris 1763, the economical situation was pressed one, with the Navigation Acts now being heavily enforced, cutting down on smuggling, with the new taxes on top of that, and isolated trade with the Native Americans and Britain, and most definitely on an ideological level, seeing the major shift of emotion and feelings towards Britain after the war, from optimistic, loyal, and respectful, to slandering them in a hostile manner. The tensions created by this war, and the abandoning of the debt on the colonist’s foreshadowing the hea vy colonial resistance that was to come, that would blossom into the American Revolution.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analyse The Environment Effect Of Events

Analyse The Environment Effect Of Events The purpose of this essay is to let the reader know that there are some factors that affect environment around and far away from the location of an event, and also assess any challenge that may happened when dealing with this environment problem in the event management industry. The scope of this essay is limited and not focusing on one certain event only, but only talk about some kind of events generally without discuss those events deeply. The analysis is conducted by getting the example of some events and analyzes why those kinds of events may help or even damage the environment. While on assessing the challenge, this essay finds the challenge and comment the value of them. The most important and significant findings is when the effects of an event to the environment may caused pollution by direct and indirect ways. However there is finding about the good side of an event to its environment. And some challenge for this issue is about how to solve, educate, and maintain the process in order to get this environment issue fulfilled. Introduction First of all we must know the definition of event itself. Based on Allen, OToole, Harris Mcdonnell (2005) state that event is certain ceremony, act, presentation or tribute that are intentionally designed, programmed and created to held certain occasions or else get any benefit in cultural, social, and the goal of business. We can see the different types of events such as sport events, festivals, carnivals, parades, market, trade shows, until just a meeting( Arcodia, 2009). And based on the size we can see from just local communities with local people as audiences to mega-events in which the audience is from around the world (Allen, OToole, Harris Mcdonnell, 2005. In this essay I explore the answer for issues that will be discussed. The scope of this essay is about issues in the effect that an event can be caused, either in social, economic, and also environment. Not only the affects it selves but also this essay cover the topics in assessing the challenges that may occurs to environment management industry. I focus on identifying environments factors that effecting events by offering analysis to it. Also in this essay I set the limit about the kind of events into just festival, cultural events, and social events, so the prospects of the person who reads are limited and as a result this met their expectation since that this essay only talked about something in wide scope ,not in detail. When we talk about environment effects of an event, we cannot be far from pollution. Pollution is the biggest issue ever that every government must face in order to protect their environment. Based on curry and Moutinho (1992) that said the relationship between tourism and environment is a symbiotic relationship in sense that conservational area, wild life, and preservation of sites and monuments of historical interest often a response to tourism demand but have the effect of stimulating and maintaining the flow of visitors to that region, government cares about the environment because they can get profit from tourism sector. So that in defining any effects in this essay, I divide the effects into two parts. The first is the negative effect of an event to the environment, and the next one is the positive effect of an event to the environment. Then based on those negative effects I will divide it into two parts as well. The direct negative effect of an event to environment and also th e indirect negative effect of an event are that parts. After that there are some challenges about environment caused by effect of events in event management industry. 432 words Body Firstly we will talk about the negative effects of an event to the environment. Just like I stated in the introduction, this negative effects are divided into two categories, the direct negative effects and indirect negative effects as well. The meaning of negative is already known, it can be something bad, terrible, not proper and many more, but the meaning of direct negatives effect in this essay is about any bad effects that may occurred as the straight result of an event to its environment that come from the waste and material procession of the event itself. Then I will identify some certain events that give direct negative effect to the environment and analyze why that events may cause those damage. The first event is Taiwan lantern festival which held every year when about thousands of Taiwanese light balloon of lantern that made from oil-soaked in folded paper and then put it in high pole. This caused the debris from that lantern to litter the environment and one day this set a fire near Taiwan International Airport, thus create huge amount of cloud and later on many flight is cancelled temporarily. Those smokes may contain carcinogenic chemicals and also benzene that are harmful for peoples health and also becomes pollutant that may damage environment (Adam, 2008). Similar with lantern festival is Floating Lantern Festival in Chiang may where the usage of old style natural material made from banana trunk with the leaves stick in the trunk is replaced by Styrofoam that resulting in the river banks, ponds, and parks being littered and obstructed. This lead to broken environment since the cleaning up progress may consume more time. (Jonal, 2009). The next event is Diwali festival that held in India that consist with bursting crackers. This event may pollute air since the crackers may release toxic gases. The third example is about Bourgas festival in Bulgaria. In that festival, people build seven stages and then makes tent in sea garden park which resultin g everlasting and significant effects to its animals and plants. The result is becoming worse every year. This damage to environment mainly caused by that construction, mass amount of people with tents, and the poor of storage bin with poor restroom facilities as well (Illiev, 2009). The last example of direct effect to environment is the Ganesh Festival in Western India. In this festival, big doll is created using plaster of paris and noxious metals which are destructive substance and then coated with paints that may contains cadmium, mercury, and carbon. All of this doll is put into water that resulting in the decrease of oxygen level in the water which later on may lead to dangerous health for human who eat any fish that contaminated in that water. This festival is clearly polluted the water with the ecosystem within it (Nita, 2007). However, pollution is not restricted only to material pollution but, Poorly designed hotels and other tourist facility buildings, and inadequate or inappropriate landscaping, create visual pollution in an area, ( Kaur Batra, 1996) Now we go to the indirect negative effect of an event to its environment. The meaning of this indirect effect is any consequence from the performance of an event that resulting in the damage of environment by people activity that they did in order to be able to participate in that event. People do everything they could to participate in any certain festivals, sport events, and more events or they just become spectators in that event. By doing that thing, realized or not they have been participating in the destruction of environment. People dont realize when they littering in the area where the events was held. It is still okay if government or official clean up the mess, but the problem occurred when the mess is not quickly being cleaned as it may pollute the environment. They even dont realize that when they go to an event, they use vehicle such as cars, planes, and even ships which all of them is participate in polluting any land, water, and air. The bigger a festival is, the more people will come all around the world. For instance is Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts which is the biggest music festival in the world. Many arts performed there such as music, arts, cabaret, and dance (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 2009). Being the biggest in the world, we can imagine how many people from different contingents in this world travel only to England where the event took place. Most people must be use planes, ships, and even cars. In Vietnam, many different countries in Europe, U.S., and Asia are participating Hue cultural festival that have tourism, buy and sell and investment fair that participated by qualified local and foreign business (Viet Nga Tourism, 2008). With so many foreign countries participate in, we can assume that more different region of people will come to Vietnam. The other events that contain many different countries are when 15 countries attend Asian-African Children Art and Culture Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia. Even the commit tee expected up to 25 countries will bring their delegation to attend arts performance, games, and storytelling (Zhao, 2009). Of course it is not as big as Glastonbury festival that may attended by million people or more, but this events still makes people around the world go by plane that participated in air pollution that damage the environment. At this moment I will analyze why cars, planes, and ships that all of them are used by people to attend any events is damaging the environment. Pollution from car is the most pollution that people committed. Any emission from car is give bad effect to the driver and people around that car. Climate change is the responsibility of car as well since the engines create greenhouse gas accumulation. The change in climate may produce extreme weather that lead to failure in production of plant fields (Environmed Research, Inc., 2009). Global climate change also worsen by plane that some people belief that it produce more main greenhouse gas than c ars each time since it produce carbon dioxide more in average. Annual global warming as big as Africa Island was also produced by planes (Kirby,2000). And finally is the ship pollution that worsens the environment condition. It makes noise that bother natural world, its ballast tank destroy algae and animals while sometimes it produce illegal waste to the sea. Its sulphur oxide makes acid rain that later on damage crops and when its inhaled by people lead to heart attack. Moreover Cruise ship that people tend use to held some events like festival, concert abroad it or just as a transportation facility to attend any event in different island. Cruise ship produce solid sewage ,oily bilge, and of course air pollutants (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2009). When we talk about positive effect of an event to its environment, we talk about any good thing that may help and prevent the environment from damage. The first example is about Tzu Chi bazaar of food held in Medan, Indonesia. This bazaars profit will be allocated to the development of any ruin building caused by earthquake in Padang. Moreover in this bazaar that sold vegetarian food, and environment friendly tools, people must bring their own recycle bag because in this bazaar forbid any plastic bag that might damage the environment (Redaksi Web, 2009). Other positive event is Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign which backed by Kenyan environmentalist, Prince of Monaco, and ICRAF. This campaign rehabilitates million hectares of land by planting billion of trees that will bring back soil and water resources, ecosystem of forest that later on reduce global warming by hold the carbon dioxide level in the air (West,2009). Based on The Nature Conservancy (2009), Nature conservanc y campaign to help protect coral reefs also can be a positive effect for environment. That campaign is just similar with thousand island conservancy event in Indonesia that start everything about Hawksbill Turtle from hatching, rearing, tagging, and releasing that can be joined by general people (Pulau, 2008). Then if we want to assess the challenge that provided to this environment issue in event management industry, we must know the challenge itself. The main challenge of course is how to prevent and reduce the pollution that occurs from the celebration of events. Many ways can be done to prevent the pollution, such when held Taiwan Lantern festival, people can use virtual lampoon instead of real fire. People can follow the rule not to littering and leave no trace campaign that they must clean up any mess that occurs because of them. Make substitution for event properties such as doll made from natural friendly material can help protect the environment as well. In order to reduce the car pollution is by buying fuel-efficient cars, use bio-fuel gasoline, and do not drive a car in often time (Environmental Defense Fund, 2009). To reduce plane pollution is by not flying into near distance of destination; go to event close to home and use teleconference technology in spite of use flight for business (Kirby, 2000). And finally in order to reduce and protect the water pollution, any ships are supposed to have good management in recycling or hold the waste, and they must use bio-fuel to reduce air pollution. Urban green tourism can help to reduce the pollution with more natural friendly program. By extension , green could also be read as sustainable or healthy and UGT is then about ecological, cultural, and economic sustenance for the good health of people and their environment(Gibson, Dodds, Joppe Jamieson, 1992). The second challenge to this industry is whose responsibility for the environmental damage this is. This is not only individual attendee, not only government, but it is the responsibility of all parts that make this event happened. So company, government, individual participant and sponsors are sides that have liability to the environment around the event. Education from government and the event committee is needed to make people realize that if they damage th e environment, they will suffer from consequences as well. This education must decrease resistance to care about environment and otherwise they must become enthusiasm with this problem. Next challenge is the speed of action after any suggestion or campaign to reduce pollution caused by an event to be done by people. Whether the speed is slow or fast, it depends on the self-awareness of each person. Accuracy is also important that the campaign can target people with the effective and efficient way, so they tend to protect the environment. The last challenge is about the term where this campaign or education about caring to the environment is being executed. This can be short term where people are tend to keep the education only when this thing is booming, by follow the main stream, or in a long term where people are full of aware in protecting the environment for good. 1821 words Conclusion There are some effects on environment that affected by some particular event. This effect can be measured as negative and positive effect. The negative effects are occurred when the event with its instruments and participants create pollution directly as a trace to an event existence and more over people who attend in certain successful event will give pollution to air, land, and water, by driving, use flight and cruising with ship just to see the entertainment becomes indirect negative effect to environment . The positive effects can be completed if there are environmental friendly festivals, bazaars, and campaign about safety to environment and event to protect ecosystem as well. In this case people should increase the frequency of positive events, and try to reduce activities that may harm the environment. And for assessment of challenges in environment that provide to event management industry is about challenge that we face in this industry. The challenge is about preventing and repair environment from pollution by substituting instruments of events and reduce the usage of any vehicles. Green tourism is one of solution that can reduce the pollution. Then people who have responsibility in the effects of environment become some issue that must be discussed further. Next challenge is about education that must be educated to all people who will attend certain event and then they realize how environment is important for their live. Accuracy and speed are the challenge that objective and measure peoples sequence in realize about this big issue. And finally the term of this campaign to reduce challenge is determine the successful of this movement, the longer of the term is the best object so that environment during the show of an event can be secured. 287 words

Monday, August 19, 2019

Debate Between Faith and Science :: Philosophy, God

Faith and Science In today’s world there is an ongoing debate between faith and science. The extraordinary advances of science have sometimes led to the belief that it is capable of answering by itself all of man's questions and resolving all his problems. Some have concluded that by now there is no longer any need for God. It has been said that one must choose between faith and science: either one embraces one or believes in the other. People seem to have faith belief in God as creator of life and some have scientific beliefs in the spontaneous generation of life from inanimate matter (Wright 111). Between faith and science there will always be conflict. A scientist who is committed to scientific research no longer has a need for God and vice versa is prominent. A scientist by the name of Dr. Collin’s made a breakthrough in science by creating the human genome which consists of the entire DNA in our species, the heredity code of life (National). Such a breakthrough for a scientist that is a strong believer in God would call for an occasion of worship. He made it known that the belief in God is completely a rational choice and faith is paired with the fundamentals of science (National). But the real question is should faith and science be separated? Many scientists believe it should be separated simply because they don’t believe in God and they have theories that prove just that. Jennifer Sexton and Laura Finley, from an Ebsco host article made an excellent point and stated, â€Å"Religious believers argue that the presumption of God's existence is based on reason, and that the proof of God's existence is in the unanswered questions about the universe, which remain unaddressed by science† (Sexton). As Christians our world views should strongly relate to our faith. Our task is to shape a worldview according to the teachings of scripture, and continually test the world views against the scriptures. This biblical worldview will then serve as a guide through life, and this includes responses to origins, stewardship, justice, medical, and genetic concerns (Wright 12). Hebrews chapter eleven verse three states, â€Å"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.† From this verse it is essential as a biology major to stand by my faith. Everything in biology ranging from meiosis, genetics, to anatomy includes God’s Governance of the cosmos, even chance and random processes (Wright 26).

Cancer Taking Lives :: Personal Narrative Writing

Cancer Taking Lives The East Pennsboro elementary school raised money for a statue at a local park. The statue was a ring of children that were holding hands. There was one child missing; the link was broken. The statue was dedicated to East Pennsboro students that did not make it to their graduation. My sophomore year of high school inspired this piece of artwork. Mid December during my sophomore year I found out that a friend of mine had lost her struggle with cancer. Tiffanie was diagnosed with two rare forms of ovarian cancer during seventh grade. Having either type of cancer is very rare, so the fact that she had both types was unbelievable. I had been best friends with Tiffanie during elementary school. We had lost touch in middle school, but our friendship never ended. She had her ups and downs during her illness, but I never expected her cancer to be fatal. I was told at the beginning of December that the doctors didn’t expect her to live until Christmas. Because she was in my grade, my class sent cards to her. I made a funny story about the two of us growing up. I sent the story with an angle ornament. Christmas had to be celebrated early this year, and I thought that an angel would be appropriate. If anything did happen to her, her mom could keep the ornament in memory of her. She died a week later at the young age of 16. I found out about her death two days after it occurred. I was in church getting ready to play my flute in the choir. My best friend was with me. I guess she knew that I didn’t see the news. I can remember still remember what she said. She told me that she was at a friend’s house on Friday night. They were getting ready for a dance that I did not go to. Her mom told them that something had happened. She conveyed the message to me by saying â€Å"Meg†¦I think that Tiff died.† She couldn’t just tell, because she knew that I would be devastated, but I knew that it was no mistake. I ran to the bathroom and began to grieve for my friend who never even got to receive her driver’s license. That night, I watched the news. Her cancer story had been televised for years, so when she finally past, the local news stations began showing clips of her throughout her life as a final memorial.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Discuss the different kinds of humour in the play. Is it effective Essa

Discuss the different kinds of humour in the play. Is it effective today? What is its purpose? Much ado about nothing is a comedy written by William Shakespeare. There are many kinds of humour in the play. The first kind of humour we come across is the skirmishes of wit between Beatrice and Benedick. Beatrice and Benedick are both sarcastic people and incidentally are sarcastic about each other. Sarcasm is a very good kind of humour, which is still effective to this day. Many people understand sarcasm and it's a good way of putting a point across. The main purpose of sarcasm is probably mockery. Sarcasm is usually used when you say something that you don't mean literally, the point of this particular sarcasm is to tell the audience that Beatrice and Benedick don't exactly see eye to eye and basically mock each other. Another kind of humour in the play we find as we go on is stupidity. This mainly is featured around Dogberry and Verges. Dogberry and Verges have a funny sort of relationship. Dogberry is the more intelligent of the two where as Verges is a little ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Child Abuse

Childhood abuse is a major issue in the world today we all know or have heard of unfortunate events dealing with children. â€Å"Abuse changes your life†¦Fight Back and change the life of your abusers by Breaking Your Silence on Abuse! † (Patty Rase Hopson Adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse). I believe there are long term affects to child abuse and adults or parents should be sent to jail. Childhood abuse is positively related to adult depression, aggression, hostility, anger, fear, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders.At least 3 meta-analyses on the effects of childhood sexual abuse find clear and convincing evidence of a link between such abuse and a host of adult psychological symptoms. Childhood abuse to have consistent significant effects on early onset and recurrent depression and that violence from siblings or multiple family members was most strongly associated with recurrent depression. Other studies also show that childhood abuse has consistent eff ects on first onset of early adult psychopathology.Women with such abuse also had significantly greater lifetime prevalence’s of agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, sexual disorders, and suicide attempts than women without such abuse. Adults who experienced either sexual or physical abuse as children are found to have anxiety disorders and depressive disorders to be significantly higher in both men and women with a history of either physical or sexual abuse. I believe parents should go to jail for abusing their kids; it is a serious issue that many Americans go through.Kids need to grow up in a safe and loving environment so they can be productive adults. If parents are sent to jail that means the child will no longer have a parent, but they are better off without them. If they are getting mistreated at home then they are in a better situation at a foster home than with a crazy parent. In conclusion, I believe there are long term affects to child abuse and adults or parents should be sent to jail. Works citedHelpGuide. com – Macintosh Support Experts. (n. d. ). HelpGuide. com – Macintosh Support Experts. Retrieved October 1, 2012, from http://www. helpguide. com New Dawn Technologies. (n. d. ). New Dawn Technologies. Retrieved October 1, 2012, from http://www. newdawn. com â€Å"Abuse changes your life†¦Fight Back and change the life of your abusers by Breaking Your Silence on Abuse! † (Patty Rase Hopson Adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse).

Friday, August 16, 2019

Is Criminal Behavior Learned or Does Your Dna Already Predispose You at Birth to Criminal Behavior?

1. Is criminal behavior learned or does your DNA already predispose you at birth to criminal behavior? How does Behavior genetics, learning theory and cognitive development theory fit into your assumption. In my opinion, criminal behavior is learned. All in all, I believe that every aspect of human life in general is learned. That’s how we evolve and further innovate our lives. Some learn to be productive citizens and some learn to engage in criminal behavior. Criminal behavior exists because of the way people think and the choices they make.Criminality is a lifestyle, and criminals must either be confined forever or be taught how to change their ways of thinking. In criminology, biological and psychological explanations of behavior have been out of style for some time. In fact, the authors of the leading criminology text from the 1920’s to the 1970’s, Edwin H. Sutherland and Donald R. Cressey, â€Å"clearly rejected the importance of biological factors† i n explaining criminal behavior. Scholars such as Glenn D. Walters and Thomas W.White developed the thesis that both criminal and noncriminal behavior are related to cognitive development and that people choose the behavior in which they wish to engage. They have concluded: â€Å"the root causes of crime†¦are thought and choice (Walters and White 8). I agree wholeheartedly with Walters and White that people choose the behavior they wish to engage in and if its criminal behavior then they will have to accept the consequences. The cognitive development theory is based on the belief that the way people organize their thoughts about rules and laws results in either criminal or noncriminal behavior (Reid 88).People regulate their own actions and whether they abide by the laws that govern them. The behavior that can be observed or manipulated is important. That is the behavior that will decide criminality. This behavior is learned through cognitive thinking and its way of learning ca n be eliminated, modified, or replaced by taking away the reward value or by rewarding a more appropriate behavior that is incompatible with the deviant one. Neurotic symptoms and some deviant behaviors are acquired through an unfortunate quirk of learning (Reid 89).Even the learning theory acknowledges that individuals have physiological mechanisms that permit them to behave aggressively, but whether or not they will do so is learned, as is the nature of their aggressive behavior (Reid 89). All of this can coincide with an external environment such as the neighborhood a criminal lives in. What that criminal sees in his everyday life may be different that what a non-criminal sees, therefore they will learn the deviant behavior they’re around.Behavior genetics definitely has an impact on the way people think and act. Criminals learn how to become criminals by either watching others or being taught how to commit crimes. For example, children who grow up in malfunctioned familie s that engage in criminal behavior can learn to become criminals. A boy who watches his father beat his mother is more likely to grow up and beat his wife or girlfriend. The children that are witnesses to this behavior learn how to commit crimes.To conclude, criminal behavior is learned through the criminal’s thoughts, sights, actions, and their interactions of the surrounding environment. Bibliography Glenn D. Walters and Thomas W. White, â€Å"The Thinking Criminal: A Cognitive model of Lifestyle Criminality, â€Å" Sam Houston State University Criminal Justice Center, Criminal Justice Research Bulletin 4 (1989): 8 Reid, Sue T. Crime and Criminology. 13th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. 8. Print.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Despite Risk and Uncertainty Essay

Risk is any factor that may potentially interfere with successful completion of the project. A risk is not a problem-a problem has already occurred; a risk is the recognition that a problem might occur. By recognizing potential problems, the project manager can attempt to avoid a problem through proper actions. Project Management is the skills, tools and management processes required to undertake a project successfully. Stakeholders are persons or organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by the project. Organizations take risks to benefit from potential opportunities however; these opportunities involve an element of risk. Projects entail a level of uncertainty and therefore carry business risk. Every project has risks. Organizations that succeed are the ones that plan for those risks – anticipating, mitigating, and providing response and contingency plans for negative events that may or may not occur. Risk Analysis solutions provide the tools for doing just this, enabling companies to identify, assess and model risks – and, in the process, taking much of the uncertainty out of project and portfolio management. A project risk can be defined as an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, will have a positive or a negative effect on a project’s objectives. Identifying risk in the planning stage enables better project selection decisions and more accurate budgeting and scheduling, (Oracle white paper,2010). Risk assessment is critical to understanding the impact of risk and uncertainty on project schedule and cost. Once risks are identified and assessed, the next step is to develop a response plan. Typical mitigation actions include adding time to the schedule, deploying more resources on the project, bringing in outside expertise, increasing the budget, just to mention a few. Uncertainty is an inevitable aspect of most projects, but even the most proficient managers have difficulty handling it. They use decision milestones to anticipate outcomes, risk management to prevent disasters and sequential iteration to make sure everyone is making the desired product, yet the project still ends up with an overrun schedule, overflowing budget and compromised specifications. Or it just dies. Unforeseen uncertainty makes contingency  planning more difficult because the project team cannot anticipate everything. Because it is impossible to create a complete contingency plan, the plan must evolve as the project progresses. With unforeseeable uncertainty, a lot of time and effort must go into managing relationships with stakeholders and getting them to accept unplanned changes. Stakeholders often dig in, causing resistance and conflicts. Failing to address risk and uncertainty can lead to consequences that span the spectrum from mere inconvenience to grave danger, ( The article went on to explain some of the effects that risk has on the mining and metals companies projects. Failure to deliver against agreed plans — Realized delivery risks will typically impact one or more of a project’s cost, schedule, scope and quality parameters. Where impacts represent a material variation from approved plans, a critical review of the project’s alignment to Business Case assumptions and rationale may be required. Late-stage Business Case modifications have the potential to undermine the project’s investment case and severely impair stakeholder buy-in and confidence. Loss of competitive advantage — For many mining and metals companies, the ability to efficiently and predictably operationalize assets and infrastructure forms a key source of competitive advantage. As commodity prices, commercial terms and the competitive landscape constantly change, the window for timely project delivery is finite. When risks result in project delays, cost overruns or quality defects, many companies will feel a direct impact on corporate performance and competitive advantage. Damage to reputation — Leading mining and metals companies recognize the essential disjointed role of corporate reputation in securing and maintaining a social licence to operate. The risk of health, safety, environment and community incidents is ever present, demanding high levels of delivery discipline and management vigilance. Where policy, process or control break-downs do occur, and an incident results, mining and metals companies must respond immediately to prevent long-lasting reputational damage. The Impact of a risk may be to the project and its success criteria (eg budget and timeframes or the quality of the project output) or it could be to the business as a result of the way the project is carried out. At the same time,risk assessment increases profitability. Contracts can be selected  and priced at the right level of risk, and the business can be managed with risk fully understood, (Oracle white paper,2009). Specific risks can be negotiated, it can be made clear who bears them, and they can be built in to contracts. After evaluating risks, one can choose a path of risk avoidance or risk mitigation and management. If one understands the risks in a project, one can decide which risks are acceptable and take action to mitigate or forestall those risks. If one’s project risk assessment determines that risks are excessive, one may want to consider restructuring the project to within acceptable levels of risk. Every project has risks and the way that these risks are i dentified, assessed and mitigated plays a critical role in the project outcome. Most firms would rather have projects without risk and uncertainty, to realize more profit and growth and also improve or maintain their good reputation. However, risk and uncertainty are not the only factors that may negatively affect a project thus hindering profitability, growth and good reputation for the organization. There are several other factors that aid a project to contribute to the well-being or downfall of the organization. A project fails when the plan is not met. (Oracle white paper, 2009) Failure means that a project exceeds the timeline, the project has to be founded upon realistic timescales, taking account of statutory lead times, and showing critical dependencies such that any delays can be handled. A schedule should include a satisfactory measurement system as a way of judging actual performance against budget and time allowances, Slevin D.P, Pinto J.K (1987) Failure also means that a project overspends the budget, or underperforms expectation, they need to have a clear project plan that covers the full period of the planned delivery and all business change required, and indicate the means of benefits realization. Lack of clear link between the project and the organization’s key strategic priorities, including agreed measures of success also affect projects. The organization needs to know how the priority of this project compares and aligns with other delivery and operational activities. There is need to have defined the critical success factors (CSFs) for the project. Project success or contribution on profitability, growth and reputation for the organization also dwells on clear senior management and Ministerial ownership and leadership. As noted by Schultz and Slevin (1975), management support for projects, or indeed for  any implementation, has long been considered of great importance in distinguishing between their ultimate success or failure. Without an experienced project manager, projects can quickly spiral out of control. The project management team must have a clear view of the interdependencies between projects, the benefits, and the criteria against which success will be judged. Decisions need to be taken early, decisively, and adhered to, in order to facilitate successful delivery. Another great effect to projects contribution on the organization is effective engagement with stakeholders. It is crucial for the firm to identify the right stakeholders an d secure a common understanding and agreement of stakeholder requirements. The project needs to take sufficient account of the subsisting organizational culture whilst ensuring that there is clear accountability and how to resolve and conflicting priorities. The need for client consultation has been found to be increasingly important in attempting to successfully implement a project. Indeed, Manley(1975) found that the degree to which clients are personally involved in the implementation process will cause great variation in their support for that project. If you are managing an internal project, it might not be wise to upset stakeholders that you might need to deal with at a later date. The need for diplomacy is important, and the political landscape can have a large impact on how easy or difficult it will be to deliver the project,(Bauer M). The extent of stakeholder involvement also affects the reputation of the organization and consequently the profits and growth potential. Lack of skills and proven approach to project management and risk management can affect the project and consequently the organization. . Lack of experience breeds excessive conservatism (K. Humphreys). Not having the right people for a particular project may compromise the job. â€Å"The key to a successful project is to include the right people with the right skill-sets,† says Joel Koppelman. He also quotes, â€Å"All the planning in the world will not compensate a lack of talent.† CONCLUSION Risk and uncertainty actually help the project team and management to stay alert and prepare in advance for possible attacks to the project. Decision-making under conditions of risk where there are assigned estimated probabilities and predicted impacts for each identified risk, enables  management strategies to be developed as a response including monitoring and controlling the risk mitigation to reduce these risks to the desired level. Despite risk and uncertainty, there exist other factors that can greatly affect the outcome of the project on profit, growth and reputation. It can then be concluded that risk and uncertainty are not the only factors that hinder projects from contributing to the profitability, growth and the reputation of the organization. Lack of skills and proven approach to project management and risk management, lack of effective engagement with stakeholders, and clear senior management and Ministerial ownership and leaders affect the outcome of a project. Altho ugh risk and uncertainty have dire consequences for the firm, eliminating them will not guarantee projects contributing to profitability, growth and reputation of the organization. The other factors mentioned above are equally liable to project success. REFERENCES Oracle white paper, A Standardized Approach to Risk Management Improves Project Outcomes and Profitability, April 2010 Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A. Dennis P. Slevin and Jeffrey K. Pinto, Balancing Strategy and Tactics in Project Implementation’, Sloan Management Review, Fall, 1987, pp. 33-41, Kenneth K. Humphreys, Project Risk Management – Advantages and Pitfalls Pe Cce Dif, n/d. Schultz, R. L. and Slevin, D. P. â€Å"Implementation and Management Innovation,† in Implementing Operations Research and Management Science, ed. Schultz, R. L. and Slevin, D. P. (Elsevier. New York, 1975), pp. 3-22. Manley. J. H. â€Å"Implementation Attitudes: A Model and a Measurement Methodology.† in Implementing Operating Research and Management Science, ed. Schultz. R. L. and Slevin, D. P. (Elsevier. New York, 1973), pp. 183-202. Oracle White Paper, The Benefits of Risk Assessment for Projects, Portfolios, and Businesses,June 2009. Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A. Bauer M. Project Success Factors. Retrieved from†¦Project/Project-Success-Factors on 21March 2014.‎ Project Management Planning,January 1997. Retrieved from†¦/PM3.10_Planning_Risk_Managem†¦ On 22March 2014. Ernst & Young Global Limited, Effective mining and metals capital project execution,The consequences of risk. U.K Retrieved from on 19 March 2014.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Growing up in a small town

Greg has completed his final tour of duty with the armed services and is glad to be returning home. He is grateful that he was able to accomplish the goals he set for himself: (1) complete basic training; (2) use his newly learned skills to support his unit with honor; (3) stay healthy; and (4) return home so he can use his veteran’s benefits to complete his education. As he begins his life as a civilian, he realizes that he will no longer have an officer giving him orders and directing his every movement.He must begin to define the orders for himself and use the discipline he learned in the service to his advantage as a civilian. Greg wonders where and how to begin since his time in the military conditioned him to follow orders and work with a team to achieve the mission. Greg realizes that now he must take control of his own personal mission †¦ to succeed in completing his degree. Greg recalls that he has given it some thought. He begins to reflect on what it would take for him to accomplish his ultimate goalof earning a degree.He thinks back to his time in basic training and remembers the phrase of the instructor, â€Å"success begins with one step at a time. † Greg keeps that thought foremost in his mind as he starts to prepare a list of goals (the steps he will need to take on the path to his ultimate goal). He remembers that he performs best when he is able to write his goals/steps down and recalls the satisfaction and motivation he gets when he is able to check them off as he completes each one. It makes him feel good to be able to see what he has accomplished on the list and have a visual picture of his movement toward his ultimate goal.This is a new beginning for him and he needs to ensure he gets the tools to help him be successful. He remembers that his advisor, Wanda, recommended a template for him to use to create a goal list as he began his first class. He wishes he had paid more attention to her because he sure could use that t emplate. He recalls she sent it to him in an email. He searches his emails and locates the template which includes helpful reminders. Click here to download the SMART Goals template.He begins to complete the template and vows to update it after every session to ensure he stays on track to complete his goals and accomplish the dream of earning his degree. In the case above, Greg realized that he needed to set specific goals so he had a plan to guide his steps toward completing his degree. He began by finding a resource that would help him create his goals. Now that you are completing UNIV103, what are your next steps? This assignment will give you an opportunity to create a personal goal template to use as a resource moving forward into your program.Specifically, you will: 1. Reflect upon the ideas you had as you completed the application process. 2. Create the ultimate SMART goal you would like to achieve considering the ideas you had as a starting point. 3. Using the template that Greg’s advisor provided, create at least 3 (immediate, mid-range, long-range) SMART goals each for your personal, academic, and professional life that will step you toward achieving your ultimate goal. Be sure to list advantages, disadvantages, and ultimate costs.

The relationship between everyday and laboratory-based research works Essay - 1

The relationship between everyday and laboratory-based research works to ensure the latter is not sterile. Discuss with reference to at least one area of memory research - Essay Example y in real life settings (this is the argument)(Minear, n.d.).(In-text citation for the remarks â€Å"how did you know that--i need some acknowledgement please...†) Everyday memory approach is a type of research method that involves the study of real-life memories of the subject’s past (McDermott,Szpunar, & Christ, 2009). It employs the use of cue words as a starting point to trigger the recall of a related memory (McDermott et al., 2009). The highlight of this method is that it involves the completion of a task that occurs naturally in the real world (Minear, n.d.). It is usually used by researchers when laboratory research â€Å" unrealistic, cost-prohibitive or would unduly affect the subject’s behaviour...† (Kendra, n.d.). The advantage of this method is that it permits the study of variables that cannot be manipulated in the laboratory.It strengthens the external validity of the study, and the results obtained are usually generalizable (Kalat, 2008). This technique, however, has its own set of disadvantages among which are less control over study variables, requires longer contact with subjects, as it usually take s longer for people to form a vivid picture of the events they are recalling, and the research usually takes a longer time to finish (McDermott et al., 2009). The use of everyday memory method has been met with many criticisms. Banaji and Crowder (1989) labeled it a â€Å"...superficial glitter...that should not be allowed to replace the quest for truly generalizable principles,† while Alterman (1996) found incorporating â€Å"...everyday memory to a correspondence metaphor...problematic†. Kvavilashvili and Ellis (2004) defended the said technique and asserted that everyday memory yields sound results and can be generalize as information acquired as representative of the study population. This method is also the method of choice in investigating memories influenced by emotional and reconstructive factors, such as flashbulb memories (Lanciano &

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

In public administration class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In public administration class - Essay Example The sum and substance of the book, call it synopsis, has been made clear by the authors in the first few pages of the book and in the ensuing chapters, the approach to the subject has been elaborated, by close examination of the concept of metaphor. Metaphor is no more the concept. It is experiencing; it is what one lives by. The authors argue, â€Å" We have found, on the contrary, that metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action. Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature.†(Lakoff,, 1980 p.3)The authors launch their version of metaphor by appropriate examples like the concept of ARGUMENT and the conceptual metaphor ARGUMENT IS WAR. Next, the conceptual metaphor TIME IS MONEY is elaborated. George Lakoff is a professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley. Mark Johnson is the Knight Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon. Their common meeting ground is metaphor! There has been a recent spurt in interest in metaphor in most of the branches of knowledge. Linguists, philosophers and psychologists are the first converts to the working philosophy of metaphor. The intention of the authors is not to find new converts to the art or science of metaphor. It is to make them aware how they are already making extensive use of metaphors in their existing branch of knowledge. It is to convert philosophers to philosophy and psychologists to psychology, so to say! In everyday life some metaphors do small jobs and some perform mighty undertakings. The later fall into the category of highly productive metaphor schemata. The example given is, Michael Reddys conduit metaphor, to understand communication. The conduit metaphor has three constituent metaphors: IDEAS ARE OBJECTS, LINGUISTIC EXPRESSIONS ARE CONTAINERS, and

Monday, August 12, 2019

Aussie Pie Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Aussie Pie - Case Study Example The given report projects the financial statement for a start up business to acquire business loan. By preparing the financial statements of the organization, the management would be able to know how they have performed in one year after establishing a new business in the USA market. Initially, details of the planned business are given below on the basis of which projections are arrived at: BUSINESS IDEA: Anna Amphlett and Andrew Ferris plan to start up business in Seattle's Pike Place Market under the trade-marked name of Aussie Pies. Business would conduct production and distribution of Australian meat pies. Idea of exploring opportunity for a meat pie in the US arrived from Anna Amphlett and Andrew Ferris’s visit to Australia where the mentioned product is a national snack having huge market mainly during sports. PRODUCT DETAILS: Meat pies are hand sized pot pie made with pastry and filled with minced (ground) beef gravy. The pie has short crust bottom and flaky pastry top. The meat pie is about four inches in diameter and traditionally in hand with tomato sauce (tomato Ketchup) and accompanied by cold beer. Plan to introduce Australian meat pie in the US will mainly follow the same product details and differentiation will be offered in the quality of pies. The Aussie Pies will be of high quality with low fat beef. The Aussie Pies would be made from beef raised on ranches using no hormones or insecticides. Initially, standard meat pies would be offered and based on the level of success further specialty pies, such as steak and kidney pies, meat and sun dried tomato pies, and Barramundi pies would be offered. LOCATION: Anna Amphlett and Andrew Ferris plan to open first store in Seattle's Pike Place Market. This place is a popular destination for tourists, and they will be the basic target market. Tourists usually have curiosity for the cuisine of places they are visiting. Aussie Pies with high quality and low fat will mainly attract these tourists of Seattle. Moreover, quality raised meat being the specialty of Aussie Pies would attract health conscious young generation as well. PRICE: T he price of meat pie is decided to $ 3.25 per pie.